
The Importance of People Analytics – YPK Presentation

Red Castle’s Brady Teter will be speaking on The Importance of People Analytics at the upcoming August 31, 2021 meeting of Young Professionals of Knoxville (YPK). The event will be from 6-8pm at the Schulz Brau Brewing Company.

Join fellow YPK Members for a fun-filled Professional Development Committee event at Schulz Brau Brewing Company!

Brady L. Teter, co-founder of Red Castle Human Capital, will be sharing his insights on People Analytics; what it is and why it’s important. Just like typical business analytics, People Analytics starts with understanding the problem you’re trying to solve:

  • How do you use analytics to enhance employee experiences in a way that improves business outcomes?
  • How do you ensure you are respecting individual privacy?

Grab some award-winning brews with us at Schulz Bräu Brewing Company and learn about advancing your people intelligence capabilities with Red Castle Human Capital’s innovative tools.

About YPK

Since 2007, Young Professionals of Knoxville (YPK) has worked to provide leadership and professional development opportunities, foster a sense of community among the area’s young professionals, strengthen awareness of the talented, young leaders in our area, and enhance Knoxville’s image as an exciting, compelling city in which young professionals can thrive.

For more details and registration, click here.

They'll call you a Genius

Red Castle helps companies like yours move from talking about your workforce reports and modeling to making evidence-based decisions which can save millions and make you look like a genius. Talk with us to see how we can help your company.

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Red Castle Human Capital
t. (865) 300-9500