You have data. You need answers.
Red Castle Human Capital gets to work right now with the data you currently have to get you solutions.
You probably realize the value of workforce analytics to make data-driven decisions regarding nearly every aspect of your business or organization. And if you’re like most companies, you don’t have full-time, long-term workforce analytics capabilities because what you really need is short-term support for workforce decisions made throughout the year.
Red Castle was built for you. We help organizations like yours leverage and grow your workforce analytics capabilities with the tech you already have!
Whether you currently use reports and dashboards (descriptive analytics) or you use predictive analytics, making decisions based upon the intelligence provided by your data lake, our team of experts can accentuate and strengthen your workforce analytics capabilities and equip you with the intelligence you need for effective decision-making.

Here are some of the questions we've helped our clients answer...

Learning & Development
- What is the return on investment for my leadership development programming?
- Why is programming more effective for certain demographics or groups than others?
- Are there skill-gaps with certain groups of employees and not others?
- How do training and development differentiate career success for employees?
- Do your L&D programs impact recruiting and retention metrics?

Recruitment & Retention
- Why are my employees leaving or being terminated?
- What are the best practices in my organization for retention?
- How can I share retention best practices with other managers?
- To what extent is turnover functional or dysfunctional for my organization?
- What incentives are driving retention or turnover metrics?

Performance Management
- How valid is my performance management system?
- To what extent is performance management linked with rewards?
- Do managers and employees believe the system is fair and valid?
- To what extent do managers and employees feel confident in their knowledge of the assessment process?

Talent Onboarding
- How many days does it take for new hires to begin producing?
- How effective are my onboarding processes?
- How is mentoring affecting socialization?
- Are my new employees becoming disillusioned about work?
- How are existing employees responding to new employees?